Inspiration, life

La’s-Affirmations 1: I’ll treat everyday as if it is my “Friday”




Most people love Fridays and strongly dislike Mondays. This
is true even if u dont have a traditional schedule. This mentality has been
learned and accepted in our society. Saturday and Sunday are liberating and fun
while the rest of the week is dreaded.


If you don’t have these feelings toward these exact two days
of the week then you have these feelings on days that represent them in your


We go through each day (both consciously and
sub-consciously)  to get to TGIF -Thank
God Its Friday-. I am as guilty as the next person of having this mentality. It
is Sunday and of course I’m not jumping for joy that Monday is coming but…..


…….It is  so why
not go with a positive attitude…ready to take on the day and get things done
all while being thankful that I even got up.


From today on treat everyday as if it is your Friday. Your
day to breatheeeee! Start each day with positivity, purpose, and expectation.
If you are stuck in the TGIF mentality then you need re-evaluate your current
situation and make goals to strive to making everyday a TGIF!

2 thoughts on “La’s-Affirmations 1: I’ll treat everyday as if it is my “Friday”

  1. "This mentality has been learned and accepted in our society. Saturday and Sunday are liberating and fun while the rest of the week is dreaded." I agree. I don't want to dread Monday. I usually try to give myself something to look forward to within the week. But I do love the Friday- Sunday days of the week.

    1. For some reason I am just seeing this comment. Thanks for reading!.

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