We have entered the 3rd quarter of the year. It is time to review and revamp the goals that we set for ourselves in January. I have missed two months of goal posts. I have been completing some of my goals and tasks even though I have not written about them.
Remember that it is okay to change or tweak goals if necessary.
I have some major news. ***DRUM ROLL*** I’s married now!!!!!

Ceremony and honeymoon are officially over! That one of my major goals of the year. Another goal that I have been working on is providing better content here and starting a coaching business. My plan was to start in June 2016. I have been offering free services to get started and in June I made the next major step in that direction. I blessed to be able to receive a free 90 min Intensive VIP call with LaTisha Styles. We developed a 90 day plan for me to monetize this blog and my services. As a result, I have had to tweak some of the goals that I have been focusing on. I am trying to focus on the plan that we set as well as continue with the operation of this blog. You will see changes here and there so don’t be alarmed. I will still be talking about personal finance and goal setting. You will just see more of me.
Previous goal list :
Reading – Ya’ll I swear I have been reading. I just have not turned anything in for a review. This is passing money up. I need to get on the ball. I want to earn some money from this before the year ends.
Finance ( Mystery shops)– Completed. I found 4 mystery shops and completed two. One was canceled and I had to postpone the fourth shop.
Business- I have not completed any Periscopes in the last couple of months. I am okay with this because I do not want to be on scope for no reason. I want to get on their and provide valuable information. As a part of my 90 day plan you will see me on Periscope soon.
I stopped releasing YouTube videos because my videos were not being seen as they should be. I had to go and make a few changes to SEO for my existing videos. Since I made those changes, I have seen a small increase in my subscribers and views.I will upload more but that is not my focus at this time. I plan to get out all recorded content. I will work on more in the future.
Before we get into this months goals, I want to talk about starting and ending the day on a good note. I have started to practice gratitude and thankfulness each day. On a good day, when I wake up in the morning I say a prayer and then I write down three things that I am grateful for. At the end of the day I sit and write down three things that went well thought the day.
Yes, sometimes I forget or I just don’t do it. I can say that I have better days when I add this to my routine. I have an unpredictable job and most of the time things do not go as planned. That can be irritating and discouraging. Starting my day with intention, gratitude, and ending it with thankfulness will takes me through the day. I am able to put more things into perspective this way. It is not the end of the world just because things did not go my way. I want you to add this to your routine and let me know how it changes your day.
Here are July’s goals. I am going to stick to business goals this month so that I can get a foundation on what I need to do.
Complete 20 Discovery Sessions -I will complete this by letting everyone I know personally and on social media that I am officially offering coaching services in the areas of life, career, and personal budgeting. This is a big step and it is defiantly scary. Although, I am a little scared, I am ready to meet you and help you turn your dreams into reality by discovering your “why”, setting, and achieving goals. I will complete this task by August 11th.
Branding- I need to revamp and add different things. I have already started working on this. I plan to set a date with my photographer by August 11. I plan to set up my new website by August 11th. Divas R Frugal is not going anywhere.
Diva Corner I will get at least 5 features for the Diva Corner by August 15th. I will complete this by advertisement on social media and reaching out through email.
Email Course- Y’all its coming. I have been taking my time with this course. This is my first one and I want it as close to perfect as possible. Every time I work on this course I get excited about the information that I am providing to you. This course will debut on August 6th 2016.
Note: I do not always do my goals from month day 1 to month day 1. I target my goals from whatever date I set them. I may change this in the future.
Which goals did you have to revamp during your mid year check up?
Congrats on Marriage. I’m on youtube as well. I’m also looking into a mentor to begin on focusing and working on 2017 goal!
I just discovered your Youtube. I plan to look at a couple of your videos and sub tonight!