January Week 1
First week of the new year! I am always in expectation and I cannot wait to see where I am financially 6 months from now. I am seriously thinking about getting a second job to handle future expenses as well as beef up my savings account. I have been reading about emergency funds. I had an emergency fund but that has went out the window sometime last year. I plan to start that back up ASAP.
I went to Hobby Lobby while visiting my family and found some great artwork for my home. I went back to the store in my city a week later and they had everything I brought on sale for 50% off. I went to get my receipts and was able to get my money back on all of things I brought. Frugal tip: If something goes on sale right after you purchase it go back with your receipt and get the sale price.
Other than my Hobby Lobby experience I have been spending extra money on food. If you could hear my thoughts you would think that I was over 400 lbs. If you know me then you know I am no where near that. I promise you at times I thought I had the good angel and the bad angel on my shoulders telling if I should or should not buy things lol. It was crazy but after really thinking about some purchases (especially junk food) I realized that I didn’t need whatever I was contemplating. I did have a proud moment on Friday when I was able to use a coupon at McDonalds and get two premium sandwiches for the price of one. A month ago I would have brought a meal for lunch and then went back for dinner and spent $10.00 instead of $5.00.
The weekend is here and I am on chill mode. I have not been into many stores and dont plan to go. I don’t need anything and I do not need to go around trying to find stuff to need lol. I hope you all have had a great week and are having a pleasant weekend
Before you leave……..Check out my youtube video. If you have an account please subscribe. This video goes with my budgeting blog. Let me know what you want me to do vidoes about as well as blog about.
Have a great week